Parent volunteers play a major role in the success of our programs. The Glacier Ski Club is managed by a volunteer group of parents in compliance with Alpine Ontario requirements, through a board of directors and a host of other volunteers. It takes an average of 35 volunteers to run a race. There are a variety of positions that need to be filled throughout the race season and each one contributes to the enjoyment and safety for your athlete. If you are new to the scene, we have many seasoned volunteers who will gladly provide on the job training.
We also encourage you to sign up and take an officials training course. They are offered a couple times over the season and they are necessary when acting as a race official. Visit the Alpine Ontario website for officials courses here.
Visit the job descriptions page for more detailed information on volunteering positions or contact our volunteer coordinator to discuss how you can contribute!
Every family is required to contribute at least 15 hours of their time through the varius events and activities at the club. We require a $500 cheque to be handed in before your athlete begins their program.
The Glacier volunteer policy can be found here.
Here is a link to signup for volunteering.